Central to the heart of next generation leaders is the need to grow spiritual capacities in a relationship with the Lord. This relationship lays the foundation for and impacts every aspect of our daily lives.

This being said, is it possible to discuss leadership without placing Jesus at the center of the conversation? If we were to write a book on leadership, would it be possible to address principles of leadership without placing Jesus as the central focal point?

If we were to study leadership from the lives of the apostles from the book of Acts, could we do the topic any justice if we do not place Jesus at the center of their development? Their spiritual formation was rooted in intimate relationship to Jesus and their authority in leadership drew from this intimacy.

Spiritual formation and leadership development cannot be divorced from on another. I would go so far as to say this must be principle number one when seeking to train next generation leaders.

The Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) is designed to place this intimacy factor with the Lord at the center of our week-long event. In the context of a community of next generation leaders, we wrestle together with the link between intimacy and leadership.

Join us as together we engage the heart of Jesus, addressing the question, “What is effective leadership?”


Dr. O’Neill will continue addressing this and other questions in his blog, updated on a regular basis.

By Published On: January 11th, 2013Categories: Articles, BlogComments Off on Leadership Values: What Next Generation Leaders Need to Lead WellTags: , , , , , , , ,

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