Dear Praying Friends:

Our partners grow. We are most thankful. Over time, Sterling and I ask how do we bless back and add value to these who believe in our work? We are up to 70 partners now. Two areas are in the works now and more to come.

First, I’ve put together a culture seminar utilizing Don Smith’s 12 signals through which communication takes place as a means to equip our partner churches who have strong Short-term missions.

Second, we’ve initiated a Retreat for our businessmen who support us. See below.

1. Culture Seminar this Saturday, Feb. 14 at Tri Cities Baptist in NE TN. Amazing church, come through difficult waters and now exploding missionally. Shane and I team speak on Sunday morning to their Student Ministries program. So cool.

2. Culture Seminar Feb. 24 at Brainerd Baptist in Chattanooga. This church is as focused on making disciples as I’ve seen in the life of a local church. We partnered with them in the last ELC and we do so again this June. I’m so thrilled to give back to them.

3. March 1-2, Businessmen’s retreat in N. GA. I am hosting a 2-day and 1-night retreat for businessmen who partner with us. I’ll be teaching them how to pray the attributes of Jesus and the Psalms over five sessions. We meet in N. GA. I cherish opportunities to say thanks and bless at the same time.

Pray with me for great impact. Sterling and I love these churches and men who believe in mentoring and training next gen leaders. Thanks.

4. ECL’13: we are moving very intentionally now for the June ELC. Pray for the 60 to come. Delegate slates are filling up. The list is awesome. Pray as well while I work hard on the fundraising side of the event.

We love you all. Thanks for your prayers.

Jim and Sterling

The Center for Global Mission