2024 Conference

A week-long event dedicated to discipling young leaders as they develop their

spiritual formation and soul care skills. You leaders learn to lead from as healthy

a position as possible. NextGen loves serving leaders dedicated to Kingdom Movements, mobilizing God’s people to the unreached.

2024 Conference in Kigali, Rwanda

Tending Well to Our Souls…

Our Grounding Texts:
Mark 1:35

We have no desire to replicate the conferences offered by many fine North American ministries and exported around the world. But, we do desire to step into spaces to bless and serve the global movement of younger leaders where we think it useful especially to the NextGeneration of mission and church leaders.

Recently, sitting with 5 young African leaders from 3 nations while together in Ethiopia for a Perspectives Global event, we discussed the prospects and usefulness of the NextGen upon the lives of these emerging African leaders.

What became evident is that many well-meaning North American ministries export their particular program, pour into these young leaders and then these Majority World younger leaders feel even more burdened and weighted down to perform. Its adding performance upon performance and the expectations grow for ministry success grows and becomes oppressive.

When we explored more deeply why the NextGen, what our calling and contribution is to the Global body of Jesus these 20 years, they expressed joy, relief, and then passion to build out a Gathering together. They saw the great value of soul transformation that sustains for the long-
haul and also impacts team and task.

The result? We plan to meet March 17-20, 2024 in Rwanda.

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