The 2013 ELC Conference will be held at Church of the Savior in Wayne, PA.  If you are interested in attending, we will have a registration form posted soon.

The ELC Week is a long intensive helping to develop younger (emerging) leaders serving in mission for their future roles in missions and leadership.

The conference is comprised of a multi-agency partnership to bring together 50 young leaders from North America and Majority world leaders who are or will be serving in missions.

The rationale is to provide training, encouragement, synergy, network and refreshment for younger men and women who will soon find themselves in places of leadership in God’s global mission effort.

Benefits to attendees:

  • Exposed to global leaders in mission
  • Receive teaching from these leaders
  • Long-term mentoring potential
  • Enhance their personal ministries
  • Apply appropriately within their respective organizations
  • Create peer partners for a lifetime
  • Become intimate friends and co-share burdens of the future of missions
  • Interface with donors one evening of the week
  • Offer opportunities to speak into the ‘emergent’ world
[button link=”” type=”icon” icon=”search”] Conference website [/button]
By Published On: December 18th, 2012Categories: NewsComments Off on ELC Conference 2013

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