Dear Praying Friends:

Much has transpired since our last communication. From our June Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) to our July Asia trip to touring (July/August)  the Southeast USA we now begin the Fall ready to pursue God’s call upon our lives.
Sterling and I have given much time to pray and process our next Kingdom assignment. Considering local church work, university teaching, mission leadership and administration, we sense God’s call to go full time in our work with younger/next generation leaders, what some might call, ‘our sweet spot.’
The Center for Global Mission was founded to aid in facilitating our ELCs. You can go to a page of our web site:  to review more of what we trust God will continue to do with us in serving younger leaders.
We have already begun the process of raising funds to go full time with this assignment. To date, after two months, we are at about 30% of desired funds to run full time. We hosted the ELCs every two years since 2003, now we will host one next year, again in Philly, but there after we will go to 3 yearly in the USA and 2 internationally. We are thrilled. We’ll share more from time to time.
For now, would you be in prayer for us as we spend the next 8 months growing our partners and getting ready for the June 2013 ELC?
On the home front: Shane ended his time with Word of Life, FL. both as a student then assistant dean. He will spend the next year with us and working online toward his undergraduate degree. We are so thankful to Tom Phillips and team WoF team for your amazing investment in Shane.
Tiffany is a first year student at TTU. We are thrilled to see Tiffy make the successful transition into life at college. We are so thankful for the leadership team at TTU who take an active interest in Tiffy.  Thanks to Joe F.
Shawna and Matt moved to Philly where Matt now begins his law studies at U of Penn. Pray for his studies and  Shawna as she pursues local work. We hope long term to have  Shawna as our administrator for the Center, especially given her amazing administrative gifts. We already miss them.
Kelli and hubby Anthony continue on well with life and faith in Detroit. Delighted to see them doing so well.
Please do go to our web site to see a few short video clips of testimonials from the June ELC:
We love you all
Thanks for your friendship and prayers
Jim and Sterling
FB: The Center for Global Mission (like us)