Dear Next Gen Family,

Our country, like most of the world right now, continues to hold its breath as we charter into unknown territories in the days to come due to COVID-19. We do not know what awaits us for April and our gathering together, but we want to continue to encourage you with the articles our mentors and speakers have written for you. We are behind a week since we had to focus on my mom’s surgery and recovery last week. As she begins to be on the mend and look better with each passing day (thank you again for your love and prayers), we hope this article today is encouraging for you. It is written by my very own brother, Shane. He will be speaking to us in April, sharing from his story. We hope this encourages you towards prayer and the Word as we prepare our hearts to (Lord willing) be together at the end of April. Perhaps it can give you a fresh practice in your time with Jesus. 

Blessings and love to you all, 
